So you thought you could commit Copyright Infringement and steal my work when you knew I was suffering from hepatic encephalopathy, a rare, progressive brain disease that was robbing me of all my skills and abilities, had almost lost my ability to write completely, and get away with it because I would go into a coma...

DMCA (Copyright) Complaint to Google

See you in Federal Court

I informed Admin the FreeBSD forums no longer reflected my values and if they would be so kind as to delete my Tutorials I would disappear with them. You proved me right and couldn't see it. Look within. I'm going to tell you a secret that can fill that void.

The Path To Enlightenment Is Found Through Suffering

I had a long way go, it took 5 years to get me this far and tested my limits to the breaking point

Thank you all, each and every one of you
I couldn't have done it without you

Beastie said I was the only true Son of Beastie in that tratiorous tribe of back-stabbing, red-headed, step-children and wants to know if the bastard who thought this was a good idea is the same bastard who gave his Mascot position to an asexual blob more aligned to a CoC where virtual hugs are considered offensive but a blind eye turned to Copyright Infringement by Administrative Staff.

Come see me at Deviant Art

Solar Storm Monitor

FreeBSD Desktop Tutorial

Building A FreeBSD Desktop From Scratch

A Beginners Tutorial with a target audience of someone who has never used the commandline that takes you from installation of the FreeBSD Base System to a fully functional Fluxbox Window Manager FreeBSD desktop using ports to compile third party programs.

Spoof Ether MAC Tutorial

Spoof Your Ethernet MAC Address Using FreeBSD

An Ethernet MAC, or Media Access Control, address is a 12 character hexadecimal hardware address that uniquely identifies every Ethernet device in the world. Here's how to change your Ethernet MAC from the original vendor MAC to a spoofed 12 character hexadecimal address.

Direct it to r00t at

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